AN ISO 9001 : 2015 CERTIFIED CO.
Products:- Cycle Tyres , Tubes and & cycle parts
Company status:-Govt.Recognized Export House
Business:- Cycle Tyres,Tubes & cycle parts
Company Status:- Govt. Recognized Export House
Qulaity:- ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified Co.
Exports Market:-Morocco,Tunisia,Algeria,Senegal,Burkina,Faso,Ivory ,coast,Nigeria,Syria,Mali, Egypt,Jordon,Iraq,Turkey,U.A.E,Ukraine,Venezuela ,Russia,Belarus, Brasil,Mexico ,Chile,Peru,Colombia,Shi Lanka,Bangladesh ,Pakistan,and Kuwait .
The company is professionally managed by mangers experts in Finace, Planning, Exports etc. The owner of company have more than 25 years experience in cycle trade and were part of SINGLE CYCLE LTD Ludhiana a leading manufacturers of complete Bicycle and parts in Single brand .
Bicycle Parts Tyre, tubes
we make best-in-class products in four segments – Roadster, City Tyres, BMX Tyres and MTB Tyres – along with tubeless bicycle tyres to cater to all the requirements of our customers.
M.R.International Bicycles are best manufactures in India offers wide range of high quality MTB bikes, electric cycles, fat tyre cycles, kids & gear cycles for boys and girls
M.R.International is manufacturer-exporters of Bicycle Parts - Bicycle Suspension Fork, SS Bicycle Parts, Cotterless BB Axle and Bottom Axle and Tyre and tubes
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